Tuesday 13 December 2016

Who Is On The Lord's Side?

Exodus 32:1-6, 17-20, 25-28.

 Truly, the fact that today’s generation is filled with people who are bent on going their own way and people who are not bothered about what the Lord has said cannot be argued.  We find youths even in the Church seeking convenience in every area of life including in the worship of God.  Many care less about the standard of God in the matter of service to God, in relationship with others, in choice of career, etc.  Rather, they manipulate things to suit them not minding if the way or instruction of God on such issues are distorted.  Let’s consider three different states as can be identified with today’s youths and draw some inference and take decision.

Before Now (Exo. 24:1-18)

Just before Moses was called up into the mount to be with the Lord and to receive instructions, the children of Israel had some new encounters with God.  Once again, they heard the word of God and His judgments rehearsed in their ears, the book of covenant was read again to them.   They were all thrilled and with one voice said “All the words which the Lord hath said will we do.”  (Exodus. 24:3, 7).  In fact, they renewed their covenant with God.  They saw the glory of God like devouring fire on the top of the mount.

Many youths in their early adolescents or teenage life had glorious experiences of the Lord.  They received wonderful teachings and they believed in what they received (cons. 2 Timothy. 3:14-15). They memorized, recited and applied the memory verses given them as children and took same with them as they marched into the teenage life.  Parents, pastors, teachers, etc. taught them morals and values from homes, Church and school (Deuteronomy 6:6-9; Proverbs 6:22; 2 Timothy 1:3).  These values were accepted, and many got the experience of salvation and much more.  They walked by the doctrines and principles of God in the place they found themselves, even true churches and served the God of their fathers (cons. Jeremiah 35:1-14).  Such life styles of moderation in dressing, having regular fellowship, prayerfulness, active participation in Church activities, regulating television programmes or movies watched, purity in relationship with the opposite sex, obedience and respect for parents and elders, adherence to examination rules and terms of service as apprentices, etc. were attended to with fear and in reverence to God (cons. Genesis 39:9b; 1 John. 2:15-17).  Though tender in age and strength, yet was like the young David before Goliath because of his trust and relationship with the God of his father (1 Samuel 17:22-25, 32-37).  He believed like a child and walked with God in innocency.  He fled sin as was instructed and believed that God was everywhere and watching as he had been taught.  He was neither crafty nor did he formulate excuses for his actions.  It was never difficult to admit to wrongs and errors done and to repent of them.  His peace with God and others abounded (Hebrews 12:14; Romans 5:1).  He sought and heeded to counsels (Proverbs 11:14).  At every opportunity, he renewed his covenant with God and kept his portion of the covenant (cons. Genesis 35:1-7).  This was the state of the youth before now, but what can be seen today?
Right Now (Exodus 32:1-6; Jeremiah 2:1-3).

Just forty days after the glorious experience the children of Israel had, they soon forgot the beautiful sight, the devouring fire, their declaration and their covenant with the Lord (Exo. 24:3, 7-8, 15-17). They threw the experience to the wind and went for things they considered necessary for the now.

For many youths today, ‘forty days’ have passed and the joy and glory they once saw and enjoyed have fizzled out.  Love for God, His word, His house and people have given way to the love for the world, their word, programme, activities and way (Exodus 32: 3-6; Luke 15:11-13; 2 Timothy 3:1-4). They have come to the time of questioning things they once accepted - doctrine on dressing, covering of head, friendship with opposite sex (undue closeness), hair do, social activities, career, moderation, ancient landmarks, choice of peer, etc. (1 Tim. 6:3-5).  Fear, respect and reverence for God, parents and elders have given way to arrogance and pride.  Counsel of true leaders and elders have been replaced with unscreened counsel of fellow youths (2 Samuel 13:1-5; 1 Kings. 12:1-11).  Many youths including those born in the Church have forsaken the God of their fathers and mothers (1 Samuel 2:22-25; 8:1-5).  Today’s youth is rather become a vessel/instrument in the hand of devils and evil men, false prophets and pastors.  

They are vulnerable to the enticing words of seducers, immoral people, preachers so called, ungodly pursuit of wealth and fame, wanting to belong (Genesis 34:1-2) and has in its place given up righteousness, soberness and expediency.  Evil association/communications and influences from the mixed multitude have corrupted their good morals and manners (1 Corinthians 15:33).

The flags of righteousness and gravity have been lowered and that of compromise in different areas of life has been raised sending God far away from them (cons. Isaiah 59:1-2; Habakkuk 1:13).  Such youths are without God in this world however they may display religion or Christianity (Ephesians 2:12).  They have no portion in eternity with God or His Kingdom (cons. Revelation 21:8, 27).  They can as well be tagged miserable, their 'success’, ‘fame’, ‘happiness’ not withstanding because God is angry with the wicked every day.   Judgement surely is looming over them and SOON shall be.


Who Is On The Lord's Side?

SOON... (Exodus 32:19-20,25-28; Proverbs 11:21; Matthew.13:37-42).    

You have been created to service God’s pleasure (Revelation 4:11; Gen.1:26-28).  He wants to see Himself in you (cons. John.14:9).  This is God’s perfect will and desire but multitudes have spurned this despite all His endeavor to ensure it.  Hence the judgement of God has been declared upon every disobedience to his will (Colossians 3:5-6; Ephesians 5:3-6; Exodus 32:20,25-28).  God can never compromise His truth and holiness (2 Timothy 2;19; Ezekiel 8:17-18; 11:21).  It is obvious that evil has come to its climax the midnight mark is already being scored, soon the trumpet will sound, the evil shall be separated from the good (Matthew 25:6,31-33).  Yet meanwhile, the sinner has no portion with the Lord now but he is exposed to the manipulations of the wicked one and only at his mercy, but God in his mercy never strikes without given any opportunity to make a choice.   He has not made the youth for destruction (2 Peter 3:9; Ezekiel 23-32), rather He has spread wide His hands open to receive as many as would care to escape before the destruction bell rings. Like of old, He is calling “who is on the Lord’s side”, Let him that nameth the name of the Lord depart from iniquity today, (Ezekiel 9:1-6; Exodus 32:25-28; 2 Timothy 2:19; Matthew 11:28).  Any youth who desires to return to the Lord and re-purchase the truth he sold, repents and surrenders unto the master Jesus once again will be welcome home and get into a new covenant with the Lord and become God’s Levite today, those who have never tested him can decide to do so today and escape the wrath to come upon the children of disobedience, He shall be saved as he turns away from sin and all evil unto the Lord, Jesus. (Romans 10:8-10).  Decide to submit and live by the standard of God all the days of your life.  This is the beginning of the journey into being the great youth and standard bearer He wants you to be. Praise God!!!

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