Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Putting A Difference Between The Holy And Unholy

Looking at our topic “Putting The Difference Between the holy and unholy”, there is one fact that every youth must recognize, understand and believe. It is the truth and fact that God is holy and originally made man as a holy being though man later strayed away.  It must be understood also that since then whatever God is doing now is aimed at bringing back, restoring that lost nature and maintaining the new status, that great experience of holiness (Romans 4:2; Ephesians 5;25-27; Galatians 4:4-7; Colossians 1:14-22).  Having then found himself in a world that cares nothing about holy living or pleasing God, it is expected that any genuine child of God must desire and be able to differentiate between the holy and unholy and also be determined to lift up that banner of righteousness yet if he must really do so he must have encountered and experienced God’s holiness to qualify to recognize impurities and flee them and declare the righteousness of God without any pricking within (Isaiah 6:1-7).  It follows then that SANCTIFICATION is a MUST for the saved youth who wants to move forward as God’s standard bearer.  

Sanctification Of The Saved Youth

Once the call to come over to the Lord’s side through repentance and faith in Christ death is obeyed, the unsaved youth’s sins are forgiven and his spirit cleansed and from that moment he strikes a Father-son relationship with God and the holy nature of God is deposited in him.

The next thing in this ladder of holiness is to have his soul cleansed for completeness (1Thessalonians 5:23).  This is done at sanctification.  The very source of sin from where contaminations, ungodly desire, etc. come, is rooted up.  God, by His Spirit and through faith in the blood of Jesus, purifies the saved youth from all that cause sin in his soul, spirit and body setting him apart for Himself (Isaiah 6:6-8; Romabs 15:16; Hebrews 10:10;13:12).  Sanctification is Instantaneous.   This is a definite instruction from the Lord and God’s standard for His children (Jeremiah 4:4; 1 Peter 1:15-16).  As you realize your need for it, desire and thirst for it, sincerely pray and believe the Lord whose will it is to give it and you shall receive it (Isaiah 6:5; Matthew 5:6; Luke 11:9,10; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24). 

A youth who is sanctified is set apart for God and for His service.  This quality and new experience is one of the things that qualifies him as God’s youth.  For this reason, he can be likened to the Levites among children of Israel (Ezekiel 44:15,16; Numbers 3:12-13; 8:15-18); the Israelites among other nations (Exodus 19:5,6); and the Rechabites (Jeremiah 35:1-10).  These were people consecrated and set apart and were therefore expected to keep and maintain the experience by putting a difference between the holy and unholy, the clean and unclean and not be defiled (cons. Leveticus 10:8-11. 11:43-47; 20:22-26).  The child of God, having encountered the holiness of God at sanctification must put a difference between the holy and unholy (1 Peter 2:9) and go for the things that are expedient (1 Corinthians 6:12).

Putting The Difference Between The Holy And Unholy

It is obvious that the saved youth who has encountered the Lord in the way described above must appreciate the experience and jealously guard it from whatsoever can contaminate it (cons. Matt.13:24-28).  Putting a difference begins as one identifies whatsoever that defiles and contradicts holy living and flee it even if it be something that is popularly accepted and esteemed by every other youth including those who claim to be born again.  

Some of the things a Christian youth must identify as unholy are obtainable among youths include: youthful lust, negative peer pressure, love for the world (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life), ungodly ambition, carnal affection and friendship with the world, immoral acts and thoughts, cheap Christianity, pursuit for inconvenient pleasures, etc.  (2 Timothy 2:19,22; 3:1-5; 1 John 2:15-17; Proverbs 1:10-15;  Romans 8:5-13; Ephesians 5:3-7; 4:29,30,31).  These contend with holiness and defile and so the Christian youth has been commanded to ESCHEW and FLEE them.  This is what putting a difference between the  holy and unholy means.

As you obey the command to flee everything unholy, you are to cleave to all that will consolidate your righteousness in God such as consistent study of God’s word, regular interaction with God, His Spirit and His people in prayer and fellowship, consecration, setting your affections on heavenly things, and meditating on things that are right, etc. (cons. Colossians 3:1,2.16; Hebrews 10:25; Philippians 4:8).  Youths who engage in this stand out among other Christians.  They are epitomes of good works which reflect in their emotional, academic, business and social interactions (1 Timothy 4:12).  

Today, if you must be able to obey the injunction of the Lord on putting the difference between the holy and unholy, you must surrender your heart to him for circumcision/sanctification then you will be able to identify holy and unholy things and flee the unholy and cleave the holy.  As you do so, you will become the Lord’s peculiar treasure and holy nation (Exosua  19:5,6; 1 Peter  2:9).

You have an opportunity this day to experience the work of the Spirit of God on your soul through sanctification and receive the grace and strength to put a difference between the holy and unholy.

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